How To Restore Plexiglass Windshield?

Plexiglass is one of the most popular choices for acrylic windshields as it’s lightweight and durable. But without regular maintenance, they tend to get hazy. A hazy windshield can be dangerous as it substantially limits your on-road visibility. 

If you have been wondering how to restore plexiglass windshield, this article should be a helpful read. We will discuss how to clear up your plexiglass windshield and repair it if you damage it somehow. Stay with us to get all your plexiglass maintenance questions answered.

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How To Restore Plexiglass Windshield?

How To Clean Plexiglass Windshields?

How To Clean Plexiglass Windshields

Step 1:  

Get a hair dryer, put it on low setting, and move it all along the windshield. You would want to do this for two reasons. Number one, it will help remove some dust off the windshield and minimize the risk of scratching when you wipe it with a cloth. Number two, it will remove condensation.

Step 2:  

After doing that, prepare a soap-water mix. Take a 1-liter bucket, fill it with water and then add a few drops of liquid soap. Stir the water well with your hand to make the solution foamy, and make sure the soap gets properly dissolved.

Step 3:  

Take the solution into a sprayer and spray it over a microfiber cloth. Wipe the windshield with the wet cloth. Wash with clean water afterward. If you regularly wash the windshield, a soap-water solution should get the job done. 

But if the windshield has become too dirty, you will need to use a dedicated plastic cleaner solution. Spray some on a microfiber cloth and then wipe the windshield with it. It should get rid of stubborn stains and make your windshield crystal clear.

Step 4:  

Whether you use soap water or plastic cleaner, wash the windshield with clean water to ensure the residual soap water or plastic cleaner washes away. Wipe the windshield with a terry towel afterward so it gets completely dry.

How To Remove Scratches From Plexiglass? 

How To Remove Scratches From Plexiglass

Plexiglass windshields tend to catch scratches as they age. As you can imagine, a windshield full of scratches is not the most gorgeous thing to lay eyes on. Thankfully, these scratches are rarely everlasting.

Here’s what you can do to get rid of them: 

Step 1:  

Take a piece of 800-grit sandpaper and dip it in a bucket full of warm water. Don’t use sandpaper on the windshield without making it wet. If you do, you will end up leaving more scratches on the windshield. If the windshield scratches are deeper, pick 600-grit sandpaper.

We won’t get into much detail about how sandpapers work. But, we must mention that sandpapers with lower grit numbers are more suitable for cleaning scratches. Higher grits, on the other hand, are better for providing smooth finishing.

So, for this specific purpose, lower grit numbers are more desirable. 

Step 2:  

Gently wipe the windshield with wet sandpaper. Take your time to cover the entire windshield. Focus on the scratched areas, and make sure you sand over those for a minute or so.

Step 3:  

After the scratches fade, take some plexiglass polish on a piece of cleaning cloth and apply it to the scratches. Polish the scratched areas for half a minute. They should clear up by then. 

Alternatively, you can use acrylic scratch removers to take care of your scratched windshields. Carefully read the instructions on scratch remover packaging to get the best results.

How To Repair Plexiglass Windshield Cracks?

How To Repair Plexiglass Windshield Cracks

A myriad of reasons can be responsible for cracks in your windshield. While acrylic materials like plexiglass do provide better protection in some cases, they are not impervious to all of the damaging elements out there. So, your plexiglass windshields might display cracks too.

Follow these steps to fix small cracks in your plaxiglass windshield:

Step 1:  

Wash the windshield with soap and water before attempting to fill the cracks. 

Step 2:  

Make tiny holes on the ends of the crack. Be very careful when you drill the holes. Too big holes will make the entire windshield break. 

Step 3: 

Now take some plexiglass glue in a glue syringe and coat the crack. The instructions on the packaging of the glue should tell you how long you need to wait for the glue to dry off. Wipe off any excess glue on the windshield so it doesn’t leave odd stains.

Step 4: 

Now put some plexiglass polish on top of the crack and polish the cracks for about 30 seconds. You cracks should be barely visible by now. 

Final Opinion 

If you have a plexiglass windshield in your car, you should know how to restore its clarity. Over time and with frequent use, the windshield may become foggy or pick up some damage. Fortunately, fixing the windshield can easily be done with some simple DIY tricks. You can start by polishing the plexiglass with an appropriate polishing compound.

Alternatively, you can deepen the scratches with sandpaper and apply a thin coat of wax. If a collision has caused the damages, it might be best to visit a professional to repair the windshield. These simple steps can help you effectively bring back the clarity of your plexiglass windshield.

Andy Kilmer
Andy Kilmer

Andy Kilmer is a former professional mechanic who has now turned blogger with a passion for all things automotive. With over a decade of experience working on cars and trucks, Andy has gained an in-depth knowledge of vehicle mechanics and repairs.

Andy's website, Vehicles Aide, provides valuable resources and guides for car owners looking to maintain and repair their vehicles. Whether you're a novice or an experienced DIY mechanic, Vehicles Aide offers practical tips and advice that can help you save money and keep your vehicle running smoothly.

In addition to running his website, Andy enjoys tinkering with cars in his spare time and attending car shows and races. He believes that cars are not just machines, but an extension of our personalities and identities. Through his writing and expertise, Andy hopes to inspire love and appreciation for cars in all his readers.

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