How To Remove NTTA Toll Tag From Windshield?

Got an NTTA Toll Tag on your windshield?

Don’t know how to remove it effectively so that it doesn’t leave any mark on the glass?

Well, worry no more. I just have the right solution for How To Remove NTTA Toll Tag From Windshield. 

I have discussed all the ways to remove the NTTA Toll Tag from the windshield successfully so that it looks as clean and spotless as a new one.

So, without any further ado, keep on reading below. 

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How To Remove NTTA Toll Tag From Windshield?

Removing an NTTA Toll Tag from the windshield is easy. However, you have to know the right methods to do so.

I have discussed a few effective ways to remove NTTA Toll from windshield so that you can do it without any issues or extra hassle. 

Method 1: Rubbing Alcohol Does The Trick 

Rubbing alcohol is an excellent cleaner. You can use it to dissolve the glue of the tag effectively and remove it from the surface in no time.

To do so, pour a little bit of the rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball and press it on the stiker glue on the windshield. 

Let the alcohol work for a few minutes before removing the cotton ball. Use gentle strokes on the tag sticker to loosen the adhesive perfectly.  

Then, using a razor blade, pull the tag sticker from the windshield completely.

If needed, apply some more alcohol on the surface to dissolve the remaining and peel them off with your fingernails or the razor.

Voils! You have successfully removed the NTTA Toll Tag from the Windshield! Wipe off the surface with a damp cloth for a sparkling look. 

If you are not comfortable with a razor, you can always use a plastic scrapper to ensure safety. 

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Method 2: The Cold Method Is Effective

The cold method also works impressively to remove an NTTA toll tag from windshield. It freezes the adhesive and makes it easier for you to pull off from the surface in no time.

Take a few ice cubes in a plastic bag and rub them continuously on the sticker. The coldness from the ice will harden the glue and make it less sticky and gooey.

When the adhesive hardens, peel off the tag quickly. If there is any adhesive left (it doesn’t usually), use a plastic scrapper to scrape it off without damaging the glass. 

Even though the cold method might take more time than the others, it’s effective and easy. 

Method 3: Nail Polish Remover Works Instantly

Another easy yet effective way to remove NTTA toll tag from windshield is by using nail polish remover. Just as it does with nail polish, this remover melts the adhesive and makes it easier for you to get rid of the toll tag in no time.

To try this method, soak a cotton ball with your nail polish remover and rub it over the toll tag with a gentle motion. 

While rubbing, you will notice that the sticker is coming off. Pull it out with strong hands. 

However, you might see some adhesive residue left on the glass. Use additional remover to dissolve them, and then scrape off the remaining with a plastic scraper. 

Method 4: A Steam Cleaner Can Be Used

Just like the ice, steam can also be used to remove NTTA toll tag from windshield successfully. It can help to soften and loosen the adhesive of the sticker and make it much easier to remove.

To use the steam, hold your steam cleaner near the sticker and let the steam melt the glue completely. You will notice that the toll tag will start to soften and become wet.

When this happens, take your plastic scraper and gently scrape off the sticker from the surface. It will remove all the adhesive along with the toll tag effortlessly. 

Take a damp cloth to wipe off the surface so that it looks as clean and sparkling as ever. 

However, remember to be extra cautious while using this method as steam is hot and can burn you if you are not careful. 

Method 5: Try a Professional Adhesive Cleaner

If none of the above seems to work or you are not interested in using any household products, a professional adhesive can do the trick for you.

A professional adhesive cleaner is specially formulated to remove the stubborn adhesive from any surface in a jiffy. It softens the glue so that you can remove the toll tag easily and quickly.

Spray your favorite adhesive cleaner on the NTTA tag sticker and give it a couple of minutes to soak in. After a few minutes, you can peel off the sticker easily from the surface.

 If there is any glue residue left on the windshield, use a plastic scraper to remove it completely. 

Then, wipe off the surface with a damp cloth to make sure there is no sign of the tag remains. 

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Why would I need to remove my NTTA toll tag from my windshield?

There could be several reasons to remove your NTTA toll tag, such as transferring it to a new vehicle, returning it to the NTTA, or if you no longer wish to use the toll tag.

What tools will I need for the removal process?

You typically won’t need any special tools. A clean, soft cloth and some mild soapy water or rubbing alcohol can be helpful.

How do I begin the removal process?

Start by cleaning the windshield area around the toll tag with mild soapy water or rubbing alcohol. This helps remove any dirt, grime, or adhesive residue that may have built up over time.

Can I just peel the toll tag off?

You can gently peel the toll tag off the windshield. However, be cautious not to use excessive force, as this might damage the toll tag or the windshield.

Will there be any residue left on the windshield?

It’s possible that there might be some adhesive residue left behind. To remove this residue, you can use a clean cloth and a small amount of rubbing alcohol. Gently rub the residue until it comes off.

Andy’s Opinion

There are several ways to remove NTTA toll tag from windshield. However, the methods I have discussed above are incredibly effective yet easy.

You don’t have to believe me. Try them once and you will know the difference yourself.

Andy Kilmer
Andy Kilmer

Andy Kilmer is a former professional mechanic who has now turned blogger with a passion for all things automotive. With over a decade of experience working on cars and trucks, Andy has gained an in-depth knowledge of vehicle mechanics and repairs.

Andy's website, Vehicles Aide, provides valuable resources and guides for car owners looking to maintain and repair their vehicles. Whether you're a novice or an experienced DIY mechanic, Vehicles Aide offers practical tips and advice that can help you save money and keep your vehicle running smoothly.

In addition to running his website, Andy enjoys tinkering with cars in his spare time and attending car shows and races. He believes that cars are not just machines, but an extension of our personalities and identities. Through his writing and expertise, Andy hopes to inspire love and appreciation for cars in all his readers.

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