How To Fix Pitted Windshield – Complete Guide

You are cruising through the road on a bright and sunny day. The radio is on, and you are humming the tunes; life seems beautiful, doesn’t it? But all of a sudden, a windshield glare blinded you momentarily, and you barely managed to act in time to avoid crashing into another car. 

A pitted windshield can be a severe safety hazard for drivers. So, you need to get it fixed asap. You can always go to a professional, but if you want to save some money, it makes more sense to learn how to fix pitted windshield. Let’s get to it! 

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What Is A Pitted Windshield? 

The impact of foreign objects, such as sand, hail, dust, and road salt, to name a few, on the windshield of your vehicle can cause pitting. Debris like this can cause tiny craters in glass to form over time.

Though you might not notice any change at first, your windshield’s holes might become large enough to distort the light entering your car. Under certain circumstances, the resulting glare could be life-threatening for drivers on the road. 

If you sit behind the wheel for hours, speeding through the highway, this is more likely to happen. The dust hits your windscreen at high speed and has a greater impact force. Over time, this weakens the windshield and creates several ‘’pits’’.

How Can You Detect  A Pitted Windshield? 

You can’t really look at a pitted windshield and realize, ‘’Yep, it needs help!’’. Detecting a pitted windshield can be a tricky challenge. But if you have the know-how, you can easily identify a pitted windshield. 

The ideal time for checking a pitted windshield is at night. Turn on the lights in the garage and get into the car. If you can notice diffracted rays of light coming through some areas of the windshield, the windshield is pitted for sure. 

Fixing Pitted Windshield

How To Fix Pitted Windshield?

What You Will Need

  • Nylon Bristle Brush 
  • Sponge
  • Polishing Pad 
  • Gloves 
  • Variable Speed Drill
  • Polishing Cloth 
  • Rain Repellant Solution 
  • Polishing Cloth 

Step By Step Guide On Fixing Pitted Windshield

Step 1: 

To get rid of the primary layer of dirt on the windshield, scrub it with a nylon bristle brush and liquid detergent. In doing so, you can remove any dust or dirt stuck in the pits. Then use water to clean the window.

Step 2: 

Wear glasses and gloves to keep yourself safe. Use a commercial compound to polish the windshield as well. And use a variable-speed drill to polish. The drill should have very little power.

After the polish, you might feel that the pits have been taken care of. But don’t get fooled by the appearance. We can assure you that the craters are still there. 

Step 3: 

Scrub the area again with a brush and liquid soap to remove the applied compound and clean the pitted area. Dry and polish the area thoroughly. Apply more compound and polish the area thoroughly with the grill.

Keep the working area wet. Do not allow the compound to dry. It can cause unwanted stains. 

Repeat the process for better results you want.

Step 4: 

Finish off by applying a rain-repellant solution over the craters. You can buy it online or look for them in any brick-and-mortar automotive part store. It will insulate the cracks and make the windshield stronger as a whole. 

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How Pitted Windshields Can Be Dangerous?

What are the pitfalls of pitted windshields? Here are the most obvious ones: 

Compromised Visibility 

Windshield pits are dangerous because when the sun hits them and reflects in different directions, it can make it hard to see the road. In fact, you might even lose vision for a few seconds. These might make the difference between life and death.

Damage Windshield Wipers 

Apart from your windshield, the wipers can also wear out because of windshield pits. Even just one small hole can make your wiper lose its shape and break. It can also limit the effectiveness of your windshield wipers, reducing your visibility.

Makes The Windshield More Vulnerable 

You can notice the windshield pits that have formed over the years. But they can do severe damage to the windshield in incognito mode. They make the windshield glass more prone to breaking. So, the windshield will give you less protection than before.

Can a windshield be polished to remove pitting?

Yes, it can. Special polishes and compounds are available which can polish a pitted windshield and make it look much better. However, it is important to remember that while these polishes will reduce the appearance of the pitting, they cannot completely remove it.

Can you repair pitting?

This depends on the extent of the pitting. Sometimes, pitting can be repaired with special fillers and other materials. However, the only way to repair pitting in more severe cases is to replace the entire windshield.

Final Opinion

The pitted windshield can be extremely hazardous, significantly reducing visibility levels and leading to even more dangerous situations. A pitted windshield may occur due to a myriad of reasons, such as hailstorms, sandstorms, road debris, and acid rain, to name a few. If not addressed immediately, the pits may become deep crevices that can impair anyone’s vision when driving.

Now that you know how to fix pitted windshield, it is important to take action immediately. You can repair them by either filling the pits with a clear resin structure to protect the windshield from further damage caused by everyday wear and tear, or you can replace it entirely if the damage is too severe. In addition, you should also invest in good-quality windshield wipers to decrease the risk of pitting in the future.

By taking action today, you can ensure that your windshield will stay in tip-top condition for years to come and will be able to protect you in any bad weather or environmental conditions. So, repair your windshield as soon as you discover that it has pits for the safety of yourself and others on the road.

Andy Kilmer
Andy Kilmer

Andy Kilmer is a former professional mechanic who has now turned blogger with a passion for all things automotive. With over a decade of experience working on cars and trucks, Andy has gained an in-depth knowledge of vehicle mechanics and repairs.

Andy's website, Vehicles Aide, provides valuable resources and guides for car owners looking to maintain and repair their vehicles. Whether you're a novice or an experienced DIY mechanic, Vehicles Aide offers practical tips and advice that can help you save money and keep your vehicle running smoothly.

In addition to running his website, Andy enjoys tinkering with cars in his spare time and attending car shows and races. He believes that cars are not just machines, but an extension of our personalities and identities. Through his writing and expertise, Andy hopes to inspire love and appreciation for cars in all his readers.

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