How To Clean Polycarbonate Windshield? [WITH PICTURES]

Your windshield goes through a lot. Mud, wind, snow-Mother Nature throws a lot at it. So, you can’t complain when it gets difficult to see through the windshield if you don’t clean it often. 

So, you have spent money on a custom polycarbonate windshield for your car to give it somewhat of a race car vibe. But the glamor won’t last long if you don’t wash the windshield often. Let’s find out how to clean polycarbonate windshield the right way.

Read More: Acrylic vs. Polycarbonate Windshield

What Are Polycarbonate Windshields?

Polycarbonate windshields are windshields that are made of polycarbonate. Polycarbonate is a plastic-like material that has a lower stiffness. Lower stiffness means more flexibility, but it does not compromise the strength of the material. 

You will find polycarbonate windshields in race cars and bulletproof cars. So, you can imagine that it is quite heavy-duty in nature. Since they have a more flexible surface, they can distribute impact force better. For this reason, polycarbonate windshields are less vulnerable to cracking. 

What should not use while Cleaning Polycarbonate Windshield

How To Clean Polycarbonate Windshield?

Pre-Cleaning Procedure 

Before you clean your polycarbonate windshield, check the door panels thoroughly.

A clean rag should remove any large pieces of mud or debris. You can also use terry cloth for cleaning. 

Things You Would Need 

  • Squirt Bottle
  • Liquid Soap
  • Warm Water 
  • Clean Microfiber Cloth 
  • Chamois Cloth 
  • Rubbing Alcohol (Not necessary unless there are some stubborn stains on the windshield) 

Step By Step Guide:

Step 1:

Spray your windshield with warm soapy water. Wipe with the softest cloth you can find. Microfiber clothes would be the best. Wipe the windshield before spraying because dry dirt can damage the windshield.

Step 1 To Polycarbonate Windshield

Step 2:

If the dirt is dry, you must first soak it in water to soften it. If you attempt to remove it without softening it, it might leave a hideous stain on the windshield. Worst case scenario, it could damage your windshield too. 

Step 3:

After soaking the windshield in water, wipe the water off gently with a microfiber cloth. When cleaning, you must use a circular motion.  A back-and-forth motion would be perfect.

Step 2 To Polycarbonate Windshield

Step 4:

Gently clean all the dirt from your windshield with a cloth. Pour soapy water to clean. You can use a squirt bottle to spray soap water on the windshield instead of pouring it. 

Step 5:

Finally, you need to dry the windshield. Use a clean chamois cloth to avoid water spots from settling on the windshield. Don’t rub the windshield with chamois; just hold it on one spot at a time to absorb the moisture. Chamois can be abrasive, so if you wipe the windshield with it, there’s a pretty good chance your windshield might get scratched. 

How Can You Make Your Polycarbonate Windshield To Last Longer? 

Clean Regularly 

This one is a no-brainer, right? Clean your windshield as frequently as you can. If you can clean it after every ride, you should. Dust and other adverse elements can compromise the structural integrity of polycarbonate windshields over time. So, make sure to clean regularly. 

Park The Car In Shaded Areas 

Protect your car and your windshield from the sun when you are not driving it. Polycarbonate does not show the same level of resistance to sunlight as plexiglass or ABS plastic. So, park the car in a garage or a shed. 

Hard Coat The Shield 

As we just mentioned, polycarbonate and sunlight don’t really go well with each other. That said, you can make your polycarbonate windshield more resilient to UV rays by hard coating it. A suitable UV ray treatment can delay the discoloration of the windshield due to sun exposure. 

Polycarbonate Windshields : What Not To Do?

  • Polycarbonate windshields care quite impervious to cracking, but only as long as you take care of them properly. Don’t use your hands or abrasive clothes like chamois to wipe the windshield. It could leave scratch marks all across the windshield surface. 
  • Do not scrape your windshield with a squeegee, razor blade, or other sharp objects. Do I really need to explain why? 
  • Raw alcohol, acetone, and petrol are absolute no-nos for polycarbonate shields. Rubbing alcohol is a safe cleaning agent, but make sure to use the 70% concentration. 
  • Don’t leave your car out in the sun, thinking the magical rays of the sun will clean the windshield. It won’t trust me! 

Can you use Windex on a polycarbonate windshield?

Yes, Windex can be used on a polycarbonate windshield. However, it is important to read the Windex label and follow the instructions to ensure that it is safe and effective for cleaning your particular windshield.

Can I use a wiper on polycarbonate windshield?

Yes, a soft wiper can be used on a polycarbonate windshield. It is important to use a soft wiper to avoid scratching or damaging the windscreen.

Can polycarbonate be cleaned with alcohol?

Yes, polycarbonate can be cleaned with Isopropyl alcohol. It is important to dilute the alcohol with water for safety. It is also important to avoid using harsh cleaners or abrasives on polycarbonate, as these can cause scratches and damage to the material.

Can you clean polycarbonate with vinegar?

Yes, you can clean polycarbonate with vinegar. It is important to dilute the vinegar with water to ensure it is not too harsh. Always test the solution on a small area before cleaning the entire surface.

Final Opinion

Polycarbonate is an excellent choice for customizing your windshield. It lasts long, it looks premium, and it can deal with some pretty hostile situations. But appropriate maintenance is key to getting the best out of these windshields. 

You must know how to clean polycarbonate windshield if you want to properly take care of the polycarbonate windshield in your car. The results could be pretty rewarding if you go through the trouble of regularly cleaning the windshield.

Andy Kilmer
Andy Kilmer

Andy Kilmer is a former professional mechanic who has now turned blogger with a passion for all things automotive. With over a decade of experience working on cars and trucks, Andy has gained an in-depth knowledge of vehicle mechanics and repairs.

Andy's website, Vehicles Aide, provides valuable resources and guides for car owners looking to maintain and repair their vehicles. Whether you're a novice or an experienced DIY mechanic, Vehicles Aide offers practical tips and advice that can help you save money and keep your vehicle running smoothly.

In addition to running his website, Andy enjoys tinkering with cars in his spare time and attending car shows and races. He believes that cars are not just machines, but an extension of our personalities and identities. Through his writing and expertise, Andy hopes to inspire love and appreciation for cars in all his readers.

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