Ford F250 Windshield Wiper Problems & Solutions

Ford F250 trucks are not as notorious as their F150 counterparts, but Ford F250 windshield wiper problems are one of the hottest topics you would find in F250 communities online. I have personally handled some malfunctioning F250 wipers myself. 

The F250 is a brawny beast that can handle a wide range of challenges you throw at it. Even though it’s such a workhorse, it can act up sometimes, like any other vehicle. Today, I will particularly talk about windshield wiper issues in the truck.

Read More: Ford F150 Windshield Wiper Problems

Ford F250 Windshield Wiper Problems 

1. Windshield Wipers Have Stopped Working 

This is the most common wiper complaint I found in F250 forums. The wipers do not respond after you press the switch. This can be a dangerous situation if you are driving on a busy road and the rain suddenly starts to fall. 

You don’t have much to worry about if it’s a drizzle. But if the rain begins to pour hard, you will barely get to see anything through the windshield without the wipers working. It would get even worse during the winter when you must remove the snow from the windshield to maintain optimum visibility.


The wiper switch and the wiper motor will be the usual suspects. Taking off the motor and the wiper switch both takes a good amount of effort. So, it would be best if you could determine which one is the likeliest culprit. 

The Motor Or The Switch?

When the wipers stops working altogether, it becomes more difficult to identify whether the motor or the wiper switch is the guilty party. When the wipers turn on but malfunction, you can pass the blame to the wiper switch. Even though the motor’s involvement can’t be totally ruled out, the wiper switch is more likely to be at fault here. 

However, it’s not as easy to draw a similar conclusion when the wipers are totally off. But there’s still one thing you can try it. Check the turn signals. The turn signal is connected to the wiper switch in most US vehicles, including the Ford F250. 

If the turn signal works fine, then you will have to look at both the motor and the switch. If it doesn’t, then it’s almost certain that you would need to replace the switch. If the switch works fine, turn your attention to the motor. 

Don’t Replace The Motor Just Yet 

Before checking the motor, look at the fuse. Is it blown? If the fuse is blown, the motor might still be functional. Get a new fuse, and then check the wipers. Your wipers should work as usual now. If the issue persists, it’s time to get a new motor. 

Never replace the wiper motor without looking at the fuse first. It’s a rookie mistake to make. A wiper motor is a sizeable investment compared to a new fuse. If you throw out a perfectly fine motor without checking for a blown fuse, you will be wasting money. 

Read More: Winter Wipers vs. Regular Wipers

2. The Wipers Don’t Turn Off 

You turned on the wipers when needed; now you want them to turn off. But the blades continue to move from left to right despite switching the wipers off. If you don’t stop the wipers soon, the windshield will pick up scratches. Not to mention, the wipers are likely to get damaged as well.


Most of the time, a faulty wiper switch will cause such a problem. So, get a new wiper switch. It’s easier to install and doesn’t cost much. The problem should go away as soon as the new switch is in.

In some pretty rare cases, the motor could cause the wipers to act like this. You have no other option but to get a new wiper motor if that turns out to be the case. I would also recommend looking at the motor circuitry. If it’s happening because of poor wiring, that’s a way more cost-effective fix. 

3. Only One Wiper Working 

Some F250 owners have said that only one of the wipers stopped working while the other one remained operational. It’s better than a complete shut-off, but once you manage to drive to safety, you should take a look at the issue. 


First, you need to check the spline of the wiper arm that has stopped working. If the splines are damaged, get a new wiper arm. If the wiper arm is okay, it’s a wiper transmission issue. You can fix the transmission in some cases, but you will have to replace the transmission if this keeps happening from time to time.

Read More: Ford Escape Windshield Wipers Not Working

How Do We Know If The Windshield Wipers Are Malfunctioning? 

If one or both wipers stop working, that would be a pretty good indicator that your windshield wipers are malfunctioning. In other cases, the wipers might become noisy, they might not move as smoothly as you want them to, and they might stop responding to wiper switch commands. 

Why Do My Wipers Keep Stopping And Starting? 

Your wipers will keep stopping and starting if the electrical connection to the wiper motor continues to get interrupted without authorization. This is a classic case of poor wiring in the wiper circuit. 

Final Opinion 

The Ford F250 windshield wiper problems are not that unique. You might experience similar wiper troubles in other vehicles. So, this article should help out all car owners who are trying to find a remedy to their wiper woes. 

Andy Kilmer
Andy Kilmer

Andy Kilmer is a former professional mechanic who has now turned blogger with a passion for all things automotive. With over a decade of experience working on cars and trucks, Andy has gained an in-depth knowledge of vehicle mechanics and repairs.

Andy's website, Vehicles Aide, provides valuable resources and guides for car owners looking to maintain and repair their vehicles. Whether you're a novice or an experienced DIY mechanic, Vehicles Aide offers practical tips and advice that can help you save money and keep your vehicle running smoothly.

In addition to running his website, Andy enjoys tinkering with cars in his spare time and attending car shows and races. He believes that cars are not just machines, but an extension of our personalities and identities. Through his writing and expertise, Andy hopes to inspire love and appreciation for cars in all his readers.

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