Andy Kilmer

Andy Kilmer

Andy Kilmer is a former professional mechanic who has now turned blogger with a passion for all things automotive. With over a decade of experience working on cars and trucks, Andy has gained an in-depth knowledge of vehicle mechanics and repairs. Andy's website, Vehicles Aide, provides valuable resources and guides for car owners looking to maintain and repair their vehicles. Whether you're a novice or an experienced DIY mechanic, Vehicles Aide offers practical tips and advice that can help you save money and keep your vehicle running smoothly. In addition to running his website, Andy enjoys tinkering with cars in his spare time and attending car shows and races. He believes that cars are not just machines, but an extension of our personalities and identities. Through his writing and expertise, Andy hopes to inspire love and appreciation for cars in all his readers.

Suntek vs. Llumar: What Sets Them Apart?

Suntek vs Llumar

Automotive window films keep your vehicle cool during scorching summers and protect the interior. Among the top contenders in this industry are Suntek and Llumar, two renowned brands that offer high-quality window films. In this article, I will dive deep…

Can You Tint Your Windshield?

Can You Tint Your Windshield

You can tint your windshield, but be cautious, as dark tints can hinder visibility and pose risks. Window tints with scratches, bubbles, wrinkles, and other deformities can also cause visibility problems. However, it is important to know the legal limitations…

Do Airplanes Have Windshield Wipers?

Do Airplanes Have Windshield Wipers

Airplanes do have windshield wipers, which serve to increase visibility during taxi, takeoff, and landing when water runs over the nose cone. However, the wipers are turned off once the airplane is in flight. These wipers are highly effective at…