When you are looking at window tints, you will come across a whole lot of options. But if you are reading this, I assume you have narrowed down your choices to 30% and 35%. How much difference is there between these two tint percentages? Here’s my detailed 30 vs tint 35 analysis that will give you the answer.
Read More: 5% vs. 20% Tint
30% vs. 35% Tint
About 30% Tint
30% is not the darkest tint to put on your car windows. That said, you will still stop 70% of light from getting inside your car. So, you will get a decent amount of darkness. It looks quite well on the window.
People close by can see your silhouette when you are behind the window, but it’s difficult to make your face. In low light conditions, however, the car interior is almost invisible. From a distance, the visibility is pretty vague.

So, should you go for 30% if you are concerned about your privacy? Of course, there are darker shades in the market, which do a better job of keeping you away from prying eyes. That said, I can assure you that the 30% tint can give you a decent amount of privacy inside the car. You can roll up your windows and relax. I will recommend this tint for family vehicles as well.
How much can you see from the inside? A lot, actually. If you have 20/20 vision, you won’t face problems seeing through a 30% tint window under daylight. It does get more challenging at night, but it doesn’t get much better in other moderately dark tints.
Will I recommend leaving stuff in the seats if you have 30% tinted windows? I will hesitatingly say no. While 30% tint blocks out most of the available light, it does not make the interior completely invisible. It’s possible to look through the window and see what’s inside if you are up close. So, potential thieves will be tempted to break into your car if they see a laptop, mobile phone, or some valuable jewelry lying around in the seat.
Read More: 20 vs. 35 Tint
About 35% Tint
35% tinted windows allow 5% more light inside than their 30% tinted counterparts. How much difference that makes? Unsurprisingly, not much!
If I ask you to tell apart a 30% tinted window from a 35% one, I am pretty confident that you will be making a wild guess rather than making a well-informed decision. Just like the 30% one, you will see the body frames of the passengers and drivers. The faces are not recognizable. And if you are not close to the vehicle, you won’t see anything.

I won’t get into much detail about the security aspect. Since it’s lighter than the 30% tinted windows, 35% tinted windows will not do a great job of hiding the seats of your car from the outside. If someone really wants to have a peek, they can do it.
Maybe I noticed it because I was paying attention to every single detail, but the interior seemed better-lit to me than the 30% one. Of course, this is supposed to be the case since the 35% tint is 5% lighter. However, I am not 100% confident that everybody will be able to make that out.
35% tints are supposed to be warmer as well since more sunlight can enter the car. The difference is not significant, however. I have sat behind a 30% window and a 35% window on the same day within a matter of hours. I could not tell the difference. It did not feel warmer, nor did it feel colder.
Read More: 15 vs. 5 Tint
30% or 35% Window Tint, Which One Is Better?
So, if you are locked between these two tint percentages, which one should you go for? The dealbreaker here has to be the legality factor. In some states, the 30% tint is illegal, like in Kansas. If you move about 850 miles east to Kentucky, you can use 30% tints. So, your choice will mostly depend on your location.
But other factors are almost similar. There’s not much between them that makes one a better pick than the other. However, since I have to say, I will go for the 35% tint. It has more legal acceptance, and I like the extra light inside the car.
What’s darker, 30% or 35% tint?
30% tints are darker than 35% because 30 tint blocks more light than 35 tints.
Is 30 percent tint dark enough?
It depends on the context and how dark you want your tint to be. Generally speaking, a 30% tint is a relatively light tint. Many people may also opt for darker tints. The answer is it could be dark enough, but it depends on the individual.
Does 35 tint reduce heat?
Yes, it does. 35 tint blocks out some of the sun’s rays, reducing the heat and ultraviolet light that can enter the vehicle. This can help keep your car cooler in the summer, reducing the need to use air conditioning.
Is 35 tint hard to see at night?
No, 35 tint is not hard to see at night. It should still be easy to see through, even during night hours. It is important to remember that any tint, regardless of darkness, can decrease the visibility of nighttime driving. So, it is important to be aware of your surroundings and drive safely.
Final Opinion
If you do a 30% vs. 35% Tint comparison, you will find it easier to draw parallels between them instead of finding differences. The differences are nuanced, but the 35% tint is my preference since it’s almost the same as the 30% one, but it is legal across more states.